Roy Martina, MD, vitality coach and author of several books on health and well-being wrote the following recommendation for the book:

Foreword by Roy Martina

Recognition, recognition and once again recognition. I could not have read this book at a better time. As a child, I suffered from asthmatic bronchitis associated with ADHD, allergies as well as various other problems.

My youngest son, having the same afflictions, holds a mirror up to me. Naturally, I treated him with homeopathy, acupuncture and other alternative treatments. As a result, his asthma was kept reasonably well under control for years without the use of strong medication. Three years ago, he attended a workshop I gave inTurkeyentitled ‘Deepsouldiving’ named after my book. During an exercise on the beach, he has a vision that he is buried alive and that same day he has an asthma attack. I help him through it. We both recognise that he is in the process of extricating himself from some pattern he has become snarled up in and that he is on the verge of entering a new phase in his life. For him, being buried alive symbolises powerlessness, the acceptance that, although he cannot change circumstances, he can change anything he chooses to about himself.

I now realise that he went through this for my sake. I had become bogged down in my life and felt incapable of changing anything. I travelled to fourteen different countries each year giving workshops. In and out of hotels, always eating in restaurants, having no time for myself and yet I kept trudging on. The organisations that arranged everything were pleased with the success we were achieving and I thought I was too, but I was missing out on a great many things in my life: my children, my hobbies etc. I felt as though I was in a rut. I wanted to change but I had no idea how to do so; I no longer wanted to return to consulting.

Whilst I was writing this foreword, my son had another asthma attack, the first in three years. Once again, he was dusting off his asthma in order to make something clear to me. I really have to make a choice now and stop believing that doing so is beyond me. The act of choosing, in itself, will open a door to what I want even though I cannot see the door yet.

I advise all parents to read this book to discover the mirror your child holds up to you, and consequently deepen the relationship you have with yourself. Our children brutally mirror our unconscious world back to us whether we want to see it or not. The more insight you have, the better it is for both your child and yourself.

Janita is here to give a voice to children and the time is certainly ripe for what she has to say. This book deserves success, not only for Janita but also for every parent who, through it, will come closer to themselves and in so doing, be better able to give their child what they need to realise their life’s mission here on earth. This book brought me insights at just the right moment. I am grateful to Janita for asking me to write this forward, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. I think every parent and child deserve the rewards that reading this book bring.

Roy Martina

JupiterFlorida, 2007

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This book brought me insights at just the right moment. I am grateful to Janita for asking me to write this forward, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. I think every parent and child deserve the rewards that reading this book bring.
Roy Martina